Childhood memories!



Filter Vizros you can download  HERE

The ruler, can you  take down and use as a pointer.

Selection vitas_20_ch shall in your selection folder located in my psp file!
The masks sq-stripe-ribbon and sq-perspective - flooring-3 shall in your mask folder


1.Open a new raster layer 750 x 600 , and go to Selection / load save selection from disk and find vitas_20_ch
 colors as shown below
Color codes are from edge to center  #e6dee0 -  #cac2c4  -  #a08f92
selection is still on! go to Selections / Invert .... colors as shown below!
Color codes are    #d9d1d3 -  #b6acae
2. Selection / Invert ,go to Effect / Filter Unlimited with settings as shown below!
Selection / select none
3.Click with magic wan in the middle of the picture and go into graphic PLUS / gross shadow with settings as shown below.
Go to Adjust / Blur / Radial blur with settings as shown below
4.selection still on, open a new layer above .... Use color # b6acae on it!
Go to Layers / Load / Save Mask / Load Mask From Disk and locate sq-stripe-ribbon set of options as shown below.
Stand on the layer below masklayeret and go to Texture / blinds with settings as shown below.
Color codes are    #d7c4c8
select mask layer in layer palette and select merge / merge group!
Selection / Select none! go to Effects / FM Tile Tools / Blend Emboss with default settings.
Merge / merge visible
You should now have a result as shown below.
5. Click with your magic wand on the edge and with magic wan settings as shown below!
Open a new layer above it and use color # 998f91 ... Selection / select none
Go to Layers / Load / Save Mask / Load Mask From Disk and locate sq-perspective - flooring-3 sets of settings as in Section 4
Stand on the mask layer in layer palette ....... right click and choose Merge / Merge group!
Merge / merge visible
6. Open the tube baby12.pspimage and set it as my picture! Merge / merge visible
7.Go to edit / copy, and again in the edit and paste as new layer!
Go to effects / Vizros / box with settings as shown below
Click with your magic wand on the white and then click Delete on the keyboard.
7. Put the box as my image and use the Selection Point to Point and smugde to remove and correct the ugly edges!
8. Click Undo 2 x on your copy and go to Effects / Vizros / book with settings as shown below.
Put the book as my image and go to Adjust / sharpness / sharpen. Remove ugly  edges with point to point and smugde!
Merge / merge visible
9.Write Sweet childhood memories set # 4e4849 the foreground color and # d5c3c6 the background color using Impact font size 22
Set text as on my picture and give the drop shadow as shown below.
Merge / merge visible
10. set tags on the box as my image, give drop shadow as before
Merge / merge visible
11. Open tube MarieL_2006_10Octobre_smoke01t, go to Adjust / Hue and Saturation / colirize with settings as below.
Copy the tube into the working layer and set the top left as on my picture, dublicate and go to Image / Mirror
Close the bottom layer and merge / merge visible the 2 tubes, set opacity to about 36th
Merge / merge visible.
12. Image / add borders 1 pixel  #998f91  ... Image / add borders 5 pixel #d9d1d3 ...Image / add borders 1 pixel  #998f91
13. Drawing with Freehand selection tool as I have done below
Go into Effect / Alien Skin / constellation with settings as shown below.
Selection / select none!
Edit / copy
Open animation shop and go to edit / Paste / Paste as New Animation
Back to psp and click undo 2 times, go to Constellation and click once on a random seed
Edit / copy
Open animation shop and go to edit /paste / paste after current frame
Back to psp and click undo 2 times, go to Constellation and click once on a random seed
Edit / copy
Open animation shop and go to edit /paste / paste after current frame
14. Now you have 3 frames the in Animation shop ... go to edit / select all, go to Animation / Frame propetices and set the number at 12
Save as gif
created 21 November 2012
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